Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Who's glory is this for?

In the past few weeks, a number of great opportunities have come to me. I haven't intentionally sought these out. Rather, my talents became visible to others and they are jumping at the opportunity. In my own local area, I've been rather unnoticed. A fun and unexpected story of connecting with an organization that fits the bigger plans of connecting and training nations unfolded. In the midst - I shared with my leaders and pastors. They were rather surprised - more because they weren't informed on what I've been doing lately, and the unexpected manner of the opportunities arriving. Like Jesus -

Mark 6:4 But Jesus said to them, A prophet is not without honor (deference, reverence) except in his [own] country and among [his] relatives and in his [own] house.

Honor hasn't been withheld because of anything about me. Just as I have gone unnoticed - it is easy to overlook others as well because we are used to seeing them in a specific context. Jesus was a carpenter. His friends and family knew him as this. The comfort of acquaintances is great, but not being noticed is also not so great.

Sound a bit selfish yet? That depends - who's glory is all this for? Who am I "doing" things for? For others - and for what reason? I admit, at times it is just a selfish soulish reaction - I help so I feel loved. I am alert to this, and catch myself in the process.... learning to just say NO and being free of earning anything has been amazing. Yet - the real glory - who all this is for..... I have been given talents that I want to see multiplied - and they are for the glory of the King.

Ex 33:18 And Moses said, I beseech You, show me Your glory. 19 And God said, I will make all My goodness pass before you, and I will proclaim My name, THE LORD, before you; for I will be gracious to whom I will be gracious, and will show mercy and loving-kindness on whom I will show mercy and loving-kindness. 20 But, He said, You can not see My face, for no man shall see Me and live. 21 And the Lord said, Behold, there is a place beside Me, and you shall stand upon the rock, 22 And while My glory passes by, I will put you in a cleft of the rock and cover you with My hand until I have passed by. 23 Then I will take away My hand and you shall see My back; but My face shall not be seen.

In what I choose to do with the talents, I seek to let it not be about self. I seek instead to let it be in furthering the Kingdom work. Kingdom isn't mass duplicating churches or proselytizing. It is advancing and benefitting the greatness in store.

Matt 25:14 For it is like a man who was about to take a long journey, and he called his servants together and entrusted them with his property. 15 To one he gave five talents [probably about $5,000], to another two, to another one--to each in proportion to his own personal ability. Then he departed and left the country. 16 He who had received the five talents went at once and traded with them, and he gained five talents more. 17 And likewise he who had received the two talents--he also gained two talents more. 18 But he who had received the one talent went and dug a hole in the ground and hid his master’s money. 19 Now after a long time the master of those servants returned and settled accounts with them. 20 And he who had received the five talents came and brought him five more, saying, Master, you entrusted to me five talents; see, here I have gained five talents more. 21 His master said to him, Well done, you upright (honorable, admirable) and faithful servant! You have been faithful and trustworthy over a little; I will put you in charge of much. Enter into and share the joy (the delight, the blessedness) which your master enjoys. 22 And he also who had the two talents came forward, saying, Master, you entrusted two talents to me; here I have gained two talents more. 23 His master said to him, Well done, you upright (honorable, admirable) and faithful servant! You have been faithful and trustworthy over a little; I will put you in charge of much. Enter into and share the joy (the delight, the blessedness) which your master enjoys. 24 He who had received one talent also came forward, saying, Master, I knew you to be a harsh and hard man, reaping where you did not sow, and gathering where you had not winnowed [the grain]. 25 So I was afraid, and I went and hid your talent in the ground. Here you have what is your own. 26 But his master answered him, You wicked and lazy and idle servant! Did you indeed know that I reap where I have not sowed and gather [grain] where I have not winnowed? 27 Then you should have invested my money with the bankers, and at my coming I would have received what was my own with interest. 28 So take the talent awayfrom him and give it to the one who has the ten talents. 29 For to everyone who has will more be given, and he will be furnished richly so that he will have an abundance; but from the one who does not have, even what he does have will be taken away. 30 And throw the good-for-nothing servant into the outer darkness; there will be weeping and grinding of teeth. 31 When the Son of Man comes in His glory (His majesty and splendor), and all the holy angels with Him, then He will sit on the throne of His glory.

Matt 6:33 But seek (aim at and strive after) first of all His kingdom and His righteousness (His way of doing and being right), and then all these things taken together will be given you besides

So - the glory is to be reflected back from Him. Like Moses saw the glory - and his face radiated it back, I want to reveal His glory and not create my own. When I seek first the Kingdom - the glory shines out as His Spirit dwells within. Let every veil be stripped away.

2 Corinthians 3:18 And all of us, as with unveiled face, [because we] continued to behold [in the Word of God] as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are constantly being transfigured into His very own image in ever increasing splendor and from one degree of glory to another; [for this comes] from the Lord [Who is] the Spirit.
Now - to honor... honor those that have sought after His glory, His kingdom, His plans. Honor Him above all - but share in how He honors others as well.

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